A campfire; one of life’s small pleasures!



Firewood can host small but invasive hitchhikers hidden in the bark of untreated firewood, getting free rides from families on vacation. The damage from invasive species can spread quickly and destroy valuable forestland, everyone bears the consequences.


The solution is easy: Do not move firewood, leave it at home.

Use safe to store and safe to burn, heat-treated certified insect-free firewood on your camping trip!


Fiready offers campground owners and campers kiln-dried firewood products, which meet and surpass all heat-treatment requirements, not only to certify insect-free firewood, but a firewood product with greatly minimized risks of mould and mildew.

Offering a kiln-dried firewood option avoids movement of firewood by campers and is reassuring to campground owners who value their properties.


All appreciate the pleasure of gathering around a campfire for an evening of worry-free cherished summer memories, one of life’s small pleasures!



Camping Associations :


Canadian Camping Association


Northeast Campground Association


Maine Camping Guide



Protect our forests